my approach.

what i offer.

I offer a space where you can show up as yourself – 100% - without fear of shame or judgment. All of you is welcome, even (and often especially) the emotions, thoughts, and impulses that you avoid the most.

I offer deep care and compassion to every part of you, creating a little space to begin to understand the messages they’re carrying. 

We are messy humans made up of emotions & sensations, past experiences & current stressors, external systems & internalized should’s. Together, we can get curious & stitch this all together: to encounter your emotions, behaviors, and patterns with a bit more clarity. I aim to help you transform your own relationship to yourself, gaining the confidence and clarity you need to navigate your life and its accompanying challenges.

I am not the expert – you are. You know the experiences that made you who you are today; the emotions, sensations, and thoughts that fill your mind and body.

I bring expert training and experience supporting folks of diverse backgrounds and identities in making the changes that they want to see in their lives.

Think about it like a road trip: you’re in the driver's seat and have full autonomy over where we decide to go. I can offer insight and ways to do things differently as we encounter the obstacles and bumps in the road. Only you can know your wants, goals, and dreams for your future.

our work together.

Therapy can be long, deep, and (at times) uncomfortable work. We will attune to and uncover your needs & natural pace. You’ve had your entire life to build these patterns, which were probably protecting & even saving your life at some points. Let’s honor that.

Big changes don’t happen overnight, and I don’t have the magic wand or “quick fix” coping mechanism that will lead us there. Rather, I can offer the space needed for parts of you to feel safe to shift out of conflict and into alignment – working together to create a life that you desire. I believe you are whole and possess everything you need to heal and live an authentic life that feels aligned and grounded.

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